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Palouse hills, Moscow, Idaho

Idaho Tree-Ring Lab Code of Conduct (CoC)


The following CoC is applied to anyone affiliated with the ITRL in any setting (e.g. lab, field, conference). The purpose of this CoC is to help protect the safety of everyone affiliated with the lab, and educate about appropriate and responsible behavior and civic and social responsibilities as members of the lab.


1 | treat everyone with respect


2 | be honest and professional in your interactions, and in doing so, be cognizant of negative consequences of conscious and unconscious bias


3 | foster an environment in which sexual and all other forms of harassment and/or bullying are not tolerated


4 | create an open and inclusive research environment that welcomes a diversity of thought and approaches


5 | welcome constructive criticism of your own scientific research and offer the same to colleagues in a manner that conveys mutual respect and objective discussion


This CoC is adapted and inspired from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Code of Conduct.

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